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AstrometricParameters Overview

Query Form

Attribute nameAttribute typeDocstringUnit
associateconfAssociateConfigThe associate configuration
astromconfAstromConfigThe astrom configuration
CD1_1floatLinear transformation matrix parameter at i,j=1,1
CD1_2floatLinear transformation matrix parameter at i,j=1,2
CD2_1floatLinear transformation matrix parameter at i,j=2,1
CD2_2floatLinear transformation matrix parameter at i,j=2,2
chipChipInformation about the chip
creation_datedatetimeDate this object was created
CRPIX1floatReference pixel in X pixel
CRPIX2floatReference pixel in Y pixel
CRVAL1floatPhysical value of the reference pixel X deg
CRVAL2floatPhysical value of the reference pixel Y deg
CTYPE1strPixel coordinate system and projection of first axis (X)
CTYPE2strPixel coordinate system and projection of second axis (Y)
field_errfloatGlobal position error arcsec
filterFilterInformation about the filter
FITERRSfloatErrors on fitted parameters (deg, arcsec, pixel), None
FITPARMSfloatDegrees of freedom of fitted parameters
gastromGAstrometricThe Global Astrometric solution
instrumentInstrumentInformation about the instrument
is_validintManual/external flag to disqualify bad data (SuperFlag)
MEAN_DDECfloatAverage residual w.r.t. reference catalog: DEC arcsec
MEAN_DDEC_OVERLAPfloatAverage residual w.r.t. overlap positions: DEC arcsec
MEAN_DRAfloatAverage residual w.r.t. reference catalog: RA arcsec
MEAN_DRA_OVERLAPfloatAverage residual w.r.t. overlap positions: RA arcsec
N_OVERLAPintNumber of matched pairs of overlapping stars
NFITPARMintNumber of fitted parameters
NREFintNumber of matched pairs of reference stars
observing_blockObservingBlockInformation about the observing block
preastromconfPreastromConfigThe preastrom configuration
process_paramsAstrometricParametersParametersProcessing parameters
process_statusintA flag indicating the processing status
PV1_0floatNon-linear transformation matrix Parameter value a0
PV1_1floatNon-linear transformation matrix Parameter value b11
PV1_10floatNon-linear transformation matrix Parameter value b110
PV1_2floatNon-linear transformation matrix Parameter value b12
PV1_3floatNon-linear transformation matrix Parameter value b13
PV1_4floatNon-linear transformation matrix Parameter value b14
PV1_5floatNon-linear transformation matrix Parameter value b15
PV1_6floatNon-linear transformation matrix Parameter value b16
PV1_7floatNon-linear transformation matrix Parameter value b17
PV1_8floatNon-linear transformation matrix Parameter value b18
PV1_9floatNon-linear transformation matrix Parameter value b19
PV2_0floatNon-linear transformation matrix Parameter value c0
PV2_1floatNon-linear transformation matrix Parameter value d11
PV2_10floatNon-linear transformation matrix Parameter value d110
PV2_2floatNon-linear transformation matrix Parameter value d12
PV2_3floatNon-linear transformation matrix Parameter value d13
PV2_4floatNon-linear transformation matrix Parameter value d14
PV2_5floatNon-linear transformation matrix Parameter value d15
PV2_6floatNon-linear transformation matrix Parameter value d16
PV2_7floatNon-linear transformation matrix Parameter value d17
PV2_8floatNon-linear transformation matrix Parameter value d18
PV2_9floatNon-linear transformation matrix Parameter value d19
quality_flagsintAutomatic/internal quality flag
reducedBaseFrameThe input reduced science frame
residualsstrFilename of residuals catalog
RMSfloatTwo-dimensional Root-Mean-Square (RMS) of the RA/DEC residuals arcsec
RMS_OVERLAPfloatTwo-dimensional Root-Mean-Square (RMS) of the RA/DEC overlap residuals arcsec
scampconfScampConfigThe SCAMP configuration
SEEINGfloatThe derived seeing arcsec
sexconfSextractorConfigThe SExtractor configuration
SIG_DDECfloatStandard deviation of DEC residual arcsec
SIG_DDEC_OVERLAPfloatStandard deviation of DEC residual arcsec
SIG_DRAfloatStandard deviation of RA residual arcsec
SIG_DRA_OVERLAPfloatStandard deviation of RA residual arcsec
templateTemplateInformation about the template
x_errfloatError in Chebychev polynomial x coefficient arcsec
xx_errfloatError in Chebychev polynomial xx coefficient arcsec
xy_errfloatError in Chebychev polynomial xy coefficient arcsec
y_errfloatError in Chebychev polynomial y coefficient arcsec
yy_errfloatError in Chebychev polynomial yy coefficient arcsec

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