associateconf | AssociateConfig | The associate configuration | |
astromconf | AstromConfig | The astrom configuration | |
CD1_1 | float | Linear transformation matrix parameter at i,j=1,1 | |
CD1_2 | float | Linear transformation matrix parameter at i,j=1,2 | |
CD2_1 | float | Linear transformation matrix parameter at i,j=2,1 | |
CD2_2 | float | Linear transformation matrix parameter at i,j=2,2 | |
chip | Chip | Information about the chip | |
creation_date | datetime | Date this object was created | |
CRPIX1 | float | Reference pixel in X | pixel |
CRPIX2 | float | Reference pixel in Y | pixel |
CRVAL1 | float | Physical value of the reference pixel X | deg |
CRVAL2 | float | Physical value of the reference pixel Y | deg |
CTYPE1 | str | Pixel coordinate system and projection of first axis (X) | |
CTYPE2 | str | Pixel coordinate system and projection of second axis (Y) | |
field_err | float | Global position error | arcsec |
filter | Filter | Information about the filter | |
FITERRS | float | Errors on fitted parameters | (deg, arcsec, pixel), None |
FITPARMS | float | Degrees of freedom of fitted parameters | |
gastrom | GAstrometric | The Global Astrometric solution | |
instrument | Instrument | Information about the instrument | |
is_valid | int | Manual/external flag to disqualify bad data (SuperFlag) | |
MEAN_DDEC | float | Average residual w.r.t. reference catalog: DEC | arcsec |
MEAN_DDEC_OVERLAP | float | Average residual w.r.t. overlap positions: DEC | arcsec |
MEAN_DRA | float | Average residual w.r.t. reference catalog: RA | arcsec |
MEAN_DRA_OVERLAP | float | Average residual w.r.t. overlap positions: RA | arcsec |
N_OVERLAP | int | Number of matched pairs of overlapping stars | |
NFITPARM | int | Number of fitted parameters | |
NREF | int | Number of matched pairs of reference stars | |
observing_block | ObservingBlock | Information about the observing block | |
preastromconf | PreastromConfig | The preastrom configuration | |
process_params | AstrometricParametersParameters | Processing parameters | |
process_status | int | A flag indicating the processing status | |
PV1_0 | float | Non-linear transformation matrix Parameter value a0 | |
PV1_1 | float | Non-linear transformation matrix Parameter value b11 | |
PV1_10 | float | Non-linear transformation matrix Parameter value b110 | |
PV1_2 | float | Non-linear transformation matrix Parameter value b12 | |
PV1_3 | float | Non-linear transformation matrix Parameter value b13 | |
PV1_4 | float | Non-linear transformation matrix Parameter value b14 | |
PV1_5 | float | Non-linear transformation matrix Parameter value b15 | |
PV1_6 | float | Non-linear transformation matrix Parameter value b16 | |
PV1_7 | float | Non-linear transformation matrix Parameter value b17 | |
PV1_8 | float | Non-linear transformation matrix Parameter value b18 | |
PV1_9 | float | Non-linear transformation matrix Parameter value b19 | |
PV2_0 | float | Non-linear transformation matrix Parameter value c0 | |
PV2_1 | float | Non-linear transformation matrix Parameter value d11 | |
PV2_10 | float | Non-linear transformation matrix Parameter value d110 | |
PV2_2 | float | Non-linear transformation matrix Parameter value d12 | |
PV2_3 | float | Non-linear transformation matrix Parameter value d13 | |
PV2_4 | float | Non-linear transformation matrix Parameter value d14 | |
PV2_5 | float | Non-linear transformation matrix Parameter value d15 | |
PV2_6 | float | Non-linear transformation matrix Parameter value d16 | |
PV2_7 | float | Non-linear transformation matrix Parameter value d17 | |
PV2_8 | float | Non-linear transformation matrix Parameter value d18 | |
PV2_9 | float | Non-linear transformation matrix Parameter value d19 | |
quality_flags | int | Automatic/internal quality flag | |
reduced | BaseFrame | The input reduced science frame | |
residuals | str | Filename of residuals catalog | |
RMS | float | Two-dimensional Root-Mean-Square (RMS) of the RA/DEC residuals | arcsec |
RMS_OVERLAP | float | Two-dimensional Root-Mean-Square (RMS) of the RA/DEC overlap residuals | arcsec |
scampconf | ScampConfig | The SCAMP configuration | |
SEEING | float | The derived seeing | arcsec |
sexconf | SextractorConfig | The SExtractor configuration | |
SIG_DDEC | float | Standard deviation of DEC residual | arcsec |
SIG_DDEC_OVERLAP | float | Standard deviation of DEC residual | arcsec |
SIG_DRA | float | Standard deviation of RA residual | arcsec |
SIG_DRA_OVERLAP | float | Standard deviation of RA residual | arcsec |
template | Template | Information about the template | |
x_err | float | Error in Chebychev polynomial x coefficient | arcsec |
xx_err | float | Error in Chebychev polynomial xx coefficient | arcsec |
xy_err | float | Error in Chebychev polynomial xy coefficient | arcsec |
y_err | float | Error in Chebychev polynomial y coefficient | arcsec |
yy_err | float | Error in Chebychev polynomial yy coefficient | arcsec |