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The Westerbork Northern Sky Survey
LOw Frequency ARray - The largest radio telescope in the world
Subaru is an 8.2 meter optical-infrared telescope at the summit of Mauna Kea, Hawaii, operated by the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ), National Institutes of Natural Science. SuprimeCam is the 10k x 8k mosaic camera at the prime focus.
All public data for ACS
The Large Binocular Camera (blue arm) at the Large Binocular Telescope at Mount Graham
VST/OmegaCAM Exploration of SUperclusters Voids and Intermediate Objects
OmegaCAM lab tests
1700 Square degree 5 band survey of the equatorial strip and 2dF South region
The HST-ACS Coma Legacy Survey uses new data from the Hubble Space Telescope's Advanced Camera for Surveys and legacy data sources such as Subaru, Isaac Newton Telescope, etc. to study the nature of objects in and around the Coma Cluster.
Search for comets
OmegaCAM/VST Guaranteed Time
INT data for Virtual Observations lecture series
The Altas3D Survey is a proposed project to observe a complete sample of all early-type galaxies within the local (40Mpc) volume, using the SAURON integral-field spectrograph on the William Herschel Telescope.
This project contains all public data from the MONICA CCD camera on the 0.8m telescope at Wendelstein Observatory, operated by the Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics of the University of Munich.
Ultra deep near-infrared survey for the early Universe.
The Large Binocular Camera (red arm) at the Large Binocular Telescope at Mount Graham
WFCAM is a near-IR wide field camera for the UKIRT telescope on Mauna Kea, Hawaii that has been designed specifically to carry out large-scale survey observations such as the UKIRT Infrared Deep Sky Survey (UKIDSS).
UKIDSS (UKIRT Infrared Deep Sky Survey) is the next generation near-infrared sky survey, the successor to 2MASS using the infrared WFCAM survey instrument attached to the UK InfraRed Telescope (UKIRT) on Mauna Kea, Hawaii. UKIDSS began in May 2005 and will survey 7500 square degrees of the Northern sky, extending over both high and low Galactic latitudes, in JHK to K=18.3. This depth is three magnitudes deeper than 2MASS. UKIDSS will be the true near-infrared counterpart to the Sloan survey, and will produce as well a panoramic clear atlas of the Galactic plane.
MegaPrime is the wide-field optical imaging facility at CFHT (Canada-France-Hawaii telescope) atop Mauna Kea, Hawaii. At the heart of MegaPrime is the wide-field imager, MegaCam, consisting of 36 2048 x 4612 pixel CCDs (a total of 340 megapixels), covering a full 1 degree x 1 degree field-of-view with a resolution of 0.187 arcsecond per pixel to properly sample the 0.7 arcsecond median seeing offered by the CFHT at Mauna Kea.
This project contains data taken during the OmegaCAM integration test of October 2008. Instrument and detector were reassembled on Paranal, but not joined together. The shutter and filter mechanics were operated but not present in front of the detector.
Project for the public data from the 0.4m Gratama telescope at the Blaauw Observatory atop the Bernoulliborg in Groningen, The Netherlands, run by the Kapteyn Institute.
Project for the public data from the ANDICAM (A Novel Dual Imaging CAMera) mounted on the former 1.3m 2MASS telescope at Cerro Tololo observatory, Chile. The ANDICAM has two detectors that can operate simultaneously, observing the same pointing in both the optical and near-infrared.
The Wide-field Imaging Survey Evaluation of Readiness (WISER) project seeks to evaluate the readiness of our system to deal with large-scale survey data from wide-field imagers.
OMA (ontological machine for Astro-Wise) is a prototype of the system for incorporation of external data sources in Astro-Wise. It will be used to test scientific use cases for OMA as well.
In december 2009 the CCD 'Sculptor' of the OmegaCAM detector was replaced. The data in this project were taken to confirm the success of this procedure. RawFitsData were created artificially; the order of extensions is not constant or the same as in the other OCAM datasets.
All public data for VIRCAM
Data for the VISTA Kilo-degree Infrared Galaxy survey.
Contains scans of photographic plates taken with the ESO Schmidt 1m telescope on La Silla.
All public data for OmegaCAM. OmegaCAM is a 1 square degree wide field, optical, 16k X 16k pixel camera for the VLT Survey Telescope (VST) on Paranal Observatory.
Euclid is an ESA medium class mission selected for launch in 2019 in the Cosmic Vision 2015-2025 programme
OmegaWhite is a variability survey aimed at periods of less than 2 hours. Using the wide-field camera OmegaCam on the VLT Survey Telescope (VST) 400 square degrees will be monitored for 2 hours in g' and in addition colour information will be obtained by imaging the same area in u', r', i' and narrow band He (5015) and Halpha filters. OmegaWhite is part of the European Galactic Plane Surveys (EGAPS). For additional information on OmegaWhite please have a look at this OmegaWhite survey website - http://www.astro.ru.nl/omegawhite/
ACAM is mounted permanently at a folded-Cassegrain focus of the 4.2-m William Herschel Telescope. It can be used for high-throughput broad-band imaging, narrow-band imaging and low-resolution spectroscopy.
The initial aim of ATLAS is to survey 4500 deg2 of the Southern Sky at high galactic latitudes to comparable depths to the SDSS in the North. The VST ATLAS will be the first step towards a panoramic digital survey of the Southern Sky in the optical bands.
The VST/OmegaCam Photometric H¿ Survey of the Southern Galactic Plane.
DECam is the 3 square-degree (2.2 degree wide) Dark Energy Camera mounted on the 4.0m Blanco telescope at Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory (CTIO) in central Chile for the purpose of collecting data for DES, the Dark Energy Survey.
VST GTO Hercules supercluster
VOICE aims at covering 4 square degrees around the CDFS in deep ugri imaging.
FOrnax Cluster Ultradeep Survey
MICADO will be a near-infrared wide-field camera at the European Extremely Large Telescope.
Testing the photometric redshift and shear measurements of the Kilo Degree Survey
The Spitzer Adaptation of the Red-sequence Cluster Survey is a z'-passband imaging survey of the SWIRE Legacy Survey Fields. Observations of the six fields have been made at all seven Spitzer (3.6, 4.5, 5.8, 8.0, 24, 70, 160 micron) passbands. SpARCS consists of deep (z'= 24 AB) observations made from both hemispheres using MegaCam at CFHT (Northern Fields) and MOSAICII at CTIO (Southern Fields). The cluster detection (z'-imaging) phase is now complete and has yielded hundreds of z > 1 cluster candidates detected based upon z'-[3.6] color. With a total effective area of 41.9 square degrees, SpARCS is currently the largest completed z > 1 cluster survey. This project is for the processing of new (DECAM) and legacy SpARCS data.
A census of the close-binary population in old open clusters.
Search for faint features in the outskirts of isolated galaxies
The nature, clustering and evolution of Lyman-¿ emitters with the largest Lyman-¿ survey at z ¿ 2.4
One of three large surveys on the William Herschel Telescope (WHT) will be WEAVE-Clusters using the WEAVE Spectrograph. This will study cluster evolution through an analysis of the internal kinematics and stellar populations of dwarf galaxies. In preparation of this survey, deep imaging will be obtained with Wide Field Camera (WFC) on the Isaac Newton Telescope (INT) for some of these clusters. The resulting data set will be analyzed using special photometric techniques developed for the VST-Fornax Survey.
KiDS ATLAS Bridging Survey
Probing the accretion of matter around massive galaxy clusters with splashback
In this project we observed with VST-OmegaCam in the ugri bands a sample of galaxy clusters selected from the Planck-SZ catalog at different redshifts. The data will be used to calibrate the mass estimate of the clusters by weak-lensing and the cluster mass/richness relation, that will be applied to larger samples available from other surveys such as KiDS
A survey to study the star formation history and the extended structure of the outskirts of the Magellanic Clouds
Astro-Wise Workshop - 14-18 November 2005, Lorentz Center, Leiden.
Test project for AIUB
Leiden Tutorial. August 18-20.
Groningen tutorial, July 10 and 11.
Sandbox for Astro-WISE tutorial users.
The HST-ACS Coma Legacy Survey
Abell 2626 H-alpha
For testing purposes only.
Commissioning data for OmegaCAM, mostly taken from March through June of 2011.
VST-SMASH (The VST Survey of Mass Assembly and Structural Hierarchy) will perform surface photometry of nearby galaxies in g, r and i, aiming at exploring the galaxy outskirts down to 29 mag arcsec^-2 in g and r and 26 mag arcsec^-2 in i-band
Project devoted to the temporal monitoring of the LSST Deep Drilling Fields
Follow-up program for the photometric coverage of XMM HYPERION QSO fields
Pre-SN outbursts in Galactic Red Supergiants: predicting the next Galactic SN event
Disentangling gas accretion in nearby deep optical and radio observations
Stellar Explosions and their Evolution In Nearby Galaxies - SEEING
Cosmic Rays Accelerators Measurements
MeerKAT AGN HI Feeding and Feedback Investigation Close-by is a survey of 22 nearby Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) performing sensitive observations of the neutral hydrogen (HI) in nearby Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN), in combination with deep photometrical obserations
Near-field cosmology with the dwarf galaxy system of the Sculptor group
We are monitoring 8 young clusters for 5 days in one passband with a 5 minute cadence. The magnitude limit covers the substellar range and we expect to find rotation rates for UCDs
Search for RR Lyrae stars in the ultra-faint dwarf galaxy Sextans II
Stellar bars can form during galaxy-galaxy interactions, which produce an asymmetric distribution of the ionised gas and star formation rate along the bar and in the disc. To con¿¿¿rm whether an interaction is responsible for the bar formation, we obtained deep photometry with the OmegaCAM at VLT Survey telescope using the Halpha ¿¿¿lter for a sample of barred galaxies experiencing di¿¿¿erent galaxy-galaxy interactions and we will derive ionized gas and star formation rate maps.
Public survey of the ARP peculiar galaxies with the VST
A deep H¿¿ imaging survey of intermediate mass groups (logMhalo = 13-14) in the Local Supercluster
Searching for UDGs In the Tails of Stripped gas of GASP Jellyfish galaxies
Einstein cross around a massive super-compact galaxy in the KiDS survey: a VST follow-up
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