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BDSM_Gaussian Overview

Query Form

Attribute nameAttribute typeDocstringUnit
bmaj_fwfloatFWHM of the major axis arcsec
bmin_fwfloatFWHM of the minor axis arcsec
bpafloatPosition angle deg
decfloatDeclination of the gaussian deg
deconv_bmaj_fwfloatDeconvolved FWHM of the major axis arcsec
deconv_bminfloatDeconvolved FWHM of the minor axis arcsec
deconv_bpafloatDeconvolved position angle deg
err_bmajfloatError in FWHM of the major axis arcsec
err_bminfloatError in FWHM of the minor axis arcsec
err_bpafloatError in position angle deg
err_decfloatError in the declination of the gaussian deg
err_decon_bmajfloatError in deconvolved FWHM of the major axis arcsec
err_decon_bminfloatError in deconvolved FWHM of the minor axis arcsec
err_decon_bpafloatError in deconvolved position angle deg
err_peak_fluxfloatError in the peak flux density Jy / beam
err_rafloatError in the right ascension of the gaussian deg
err_total_fluxfloatError in the total flux Jy
err_xposfloatError in the y position of the gaussian pixels
flagintGaussian flag
gaul_idintGaussian ID from BDSM
GLIDintThe GaussianList IDentifier
is_validintManual/external flag to disqualify bad data (SuperFlag)
isl_avfloatResidual mean of the island Jy / beam
isl_rmsfloatResidual rms of the island Jy / beam
island_idintIsland ID from BDSM
peak_fluxfloatPeak flux density Jy / beam
rafloatRight ascension of the gaussian deg
SIDintThe Source IDentifier
SLIDintThe SourceList IDentifier
src_avfloatResidual mean of the gaussian Jy / beam
src_rmsfloatResidual rms of the gaussian Jy / beam
srcnumintSource number from BDSM
total_fluxfloatTotal flux Jy
xposfloatX position of the gaussian pixels
yposfloatY position of the gaussian pixels

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