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BoundingBox Overview

Query Form

Attribute nameAttribute typeDocstringUnit
centerDECfloatDeclination of the center bounding box deg
centerRAfloatRight Ascension of the center bounding box deg
creation_datedatetimeThe date the object was created
frameBaseFrameThe object this bounding box belongs to
heightDECfloatDeclination height of the bounding box deg
is_validintUser flag to disqualify bad data
llDECfloatDeclination of lower left bounding box deg
llRAfloatRight Ascension of lower left bounding box deg
lrDECfloatDeclination of lower right bounding box deg
lrRAfloatRight Ascension of lower right bounding box deg
ulDECfloatDeclination of upperer left bounding box deg
ulRAfloatRight Ascension of upper left bounding box deg
urDECfloatDeclination of upper right bounding box deg
urRAfloatRight Ascension of upper right bounding box deg
widthRAfloatRight Ascension width of the bounding box deg

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