ALL_SOURCES_NUMBER | float | number of stars in frame | |
ALL_SOURCES_THRESH | float | SExtractor detection threshold for all stars | |
ANGLE | float | angle of reference PSF | deg |
BETA | float | moffat beta value of reference PSF | |
BOX_SIZE | int | PSF box radius | pixel |
CLASS_STAR_LIMIT | float | minimum class_star value for PSF reference stars | |
FWHM | float | FWHM of reference PSF | pixel |
KERNEL_MODEL | float | convolution kernel model | |
KERNEL_SIZE | int | convolution kernel radius | pixel |
MAX_THRESH | float | maximum threshold for autoselect reference stars | |
MAXIMUM_RESIDUAL | float | maximum allowed residual | % |
MIN_THRESH | float | minimum threshold for autoselect reference stars | |
NUMBER_REF_STARS | int | number of reference stars | |
SOURCE_CODE_VERSION | int | version of the source code | |
VERBOSE | int | verbosity level | |