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ConvolvedFrameParams Overview

Query Form

Attribute nameAttribute typeDocstringUnit
ALL_SOURCES_NUMBERfloatnumber of stars in frame
ALL_SOURCES_THRESHfloatSExtractor detection threshold for all stars
ANGLEfloatangle of reference PSF deg
BETAfloatmoffat beta value of reference PSF
BOX_SIZEintPSF box radius pixel
CLASS_STAR_LIMITfloatminimum class_star value for PSF reference stars
FWHMfloatFWHM of reference PSF pixel
KERNEL_MODELfloatconvolution kernel model
KERNEL_SIZEintconvolution kernel radius pixel
MAX_THRESHfloatmaximum threshold for autoselect reference stars
MAXIMUM_RESIDUALfloatmaximum allowed residual %
MIN_THRESHfloatminimum threshold for autoselect reference stars
NUMBER_REF_STARSintnumber of reference stars
SOURCE_CODE_VERSIONintversion of the source code
VERBOSEintverbosity level

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