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GAstrometric Overview

Query Form

Attribute nameAttribute typeDocstringUnit
astromconfAstromConfigThe astrom configuration
creation_datedatetimeDate this object was created
filterFilterInformation about the filter
gasslistDataObjectGlobal AStrometry AssociateList object
instrumentInstrumentInformation about the instrument
MEAN_DDECfloatAverage residual w.r.t. reference catalog: DEC arcsec
MEAN_DDEC_OVERLAPfloatAverage residual w.r.t. overlap positions: DEC arcsec
MEAN_DRAfloatAverage residual w.r.t. reference catalog: RA arcsec
MEAN_DRA_OVERLAPfloatAverage residual w.r.t. overlap positions: RA arcsec
N_OVERLAPintNumber of matched pairs of overlapping stars
NREFintNumber of matched pairs of reference stars
observing_blockObservingBlockInformation about the observing block
process_paramsGAstrometricParametersProcessing parameters
residualsstrName of Residuals FITS table
RMSfloatTwo-dimensional Root-Mean-Square (RMS) of the RA/DEC residuals arcsec
RMS_OVERLAPfloatTwo-dimensional Root-Mean-Square (RMS) of the RA/DEC overlap residuals arcsec
scampconfScampConfigThe SCAMP configuration
SIG_DDECfloatStandard deviation of DEC residuals arcsec
SIG_DDEC_OVERLAPfloatStandard deviation of DEC residuals arcsec
SIG_DRAfloatStandard deviation of RA residuals arcsec
SIG_DRA_OVERLAPfloatStandard deviation of RA residuals arcsec
templateTemplateInformation about the template

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