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GalFitExpdisk Overview

Query Form

Attribute nameAttribute typeDocstringUnit
creation_datedatetimeDate this object was created
dmagfloatError in fitted integrated magnitude mag
dposangfloatError in the fitted value of the position angle
dratiofloatError in the fitted value of the axis ratio (B/A)
drefffloatError in fitted scale length/half-light radius
dshapefloatError in fitted value of diskiness/boxiness
dxfloatError in fitted x position
dyfloatError in fitted y position
free_magintFix or free (fit) the parameter
free_posangintFix or free (fit) the parameter
free_ratiointFix or free (fit) the parameter
free_reffintFix or free (fit) the parameter
free_shapeintFix or free (fit) the parameter
free_xintFix or free (fit) the parameter
free_yintFix or free (fit) the parameter
GFIDintGalFitModel identifier
GFLIDintGalfit List identifier
imagfloatInitial value of integrated magnitude mag
iposangfloatInitial position angle
iratiofloatInitial value of the axis ratio (B/A)
irefffloatInitial value of scale length/half-light radius
is_validintManual/external flag to disqualify bad data (SuperFlag)
ishapefloatInitial diskiness/boxiness (c). c<0: disky, c>0: boxy
ixfloatInitial value of x position
iyfloatInitial value of y position
magfloatFitted value of integrated magnitude mag
namestrObject type
posangfloatFitted value of the position angle
primaryintThe component pertains to the main object
process_statusintA flag indicating the processing status
quality_flagsintAutomatic/internal quality flag
ratiofloatFitted value of the axis ratio (B/A)
refffloatFitted value of scale length/half-light radius
shapefloatFitted diskiness/boxiness
SIDintSource identifier
SLIDintSourceList identifier
xfloatFitted value of x position
yfloatFitted value of y position
ZintSubtract model (0=subtract, 1=dont subtract)

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