creation_date | datetime | Date this object was created | |
dfwhm | float | Error in FWHM | |
dmag | float | Error in fitted integrated magnitude | mag |
dposang | float | Error in the fitted value of the position angle | |
dratio | float | Error in the fitted value of the axis ratio (B/A) | |
dshape | float | Error in fitted value of diskiness/boxiness | |
dx | float | Error in fitted x position | |
dy | float | Error in fitted y position | |
free_fwhm | int | Fix or free (fit) the parameter | |
free_mag | int | Fix or free (fit) the parameter | |
free_posang | int | Fix or free (fit) the parameter | |
free_ratio | int | Fix or free (fit) the parameter | |
free_shape | int | Fix or free (fit) the parameter | |
free_x | int | Fix or free (fit) the parameter | |
free_y | int | Fix or free (fit) the parameter | |
fwhm | float | FWHM | |
GFID | int | GalFitModel identifier | |
GFLID | int | Galfit List identifier | |
ifwhm | float | Initial value of FWHM | |
imag | float | Initial value of integrated magnitude | mag |
iposang | float | Initial position angle | |
iratio | float | Initial value of the axis ratio (B/A) | |
is_valid | int | Manual/external flag to disqualify bad data (SuperFlag) | |
ishape | float | Initial diskiness/boxiness (c). c<0: disky, c>0: boxy | |
ix | float | Initial value of x position | |
iy | float | Initial value of y position | |
mag | float | Fitted value of integrated magnitude | mag |
name | str | Object type | |
posang | float | Fitted value of the position angle | |
primary | int | The component pertains to the main object | |
process_status | int | A flag indicating the processing status | |
quality_flags | int | Automatic/internal quality flag | |
ratio | float | Fitted value of the axis ratio (B/A) | |
shape | float | Fitted diskiness/boxiness | |
SID | int | Source identifier | |
SLID | int | SourceList identifier | |
x | float | Fitted value of x position | |
y | float | Fitted value of y position | |
Z | int | Subtract model (0=subtract, 1=dont subtract) | |