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GalFitNuker Overview

Query Form

Attribute nameAttribute typeDocstringUnit
alphafloatAlpha (sharpness of transition)
betafloatBeta (outer powerlaw slope)
creation_datedatetimeDate this object was created
dalphafloatError in alpha
dbetafloatError in beta
dgammafloatError in gamma
dmufloatError in mu mag / arcsec**2
dposangfloatError in the fitted value of the position angle
dratiofloatError in the fitted value of the axis ratio (B/A)
dRbfloatError in Rb pixel
dshapefloatError in fitted value of diskiness/boxiness
dxfloatError in fitted x position
dyfloatError in fitted y position
free_alphaintFix or free (fit) the parameter
free_betaintFix or free (fit) the parameter
free_gammaintFix or free (fit) the parameter
free_muintFix or free (fit) the parameter
free_posangintFix or free (fit) the parameter
free_ratiointFix or free (fit) the parameter
free_RbintFix or free (fit) the parameter
free_shapeintFix or free (fit) the parameter
free_xintFix or free (fit) the parameter
free_yintFix or free (fit) the parameter
gammafloatGamma (inner powerlaw slope)
GFIDintGalFitModel identifier
GFLIDintGalfit List identifier
ialphafloatInitial value of alpha
ibetafloatInitial value of beta
igammafloatInitial value of gamma
imufloatInitial value of mu mag / arcsec**2
iposangfloatInitial position angle
iratiofloatInitial value of the axis ratio (B/A)
iRbfloatInitial value of Rb pixel
is_validintManual/external flag to disqualify bad data (SuperFlag)
ishapefloatInitial diskiness/boxiness (c). c<0: disky, c>0: boxy
ixfloatInitial value of x position
iyfloatInitial value of y position
mufloatSurface brightness at Rb mag / arcsec**2
namestrObject type
posangfloatFitted value of the position angle
primaryintThe component pertains to the main object
process_statusintA flag indicating the processing status
quality_flagsintAutomatic/internal quality flag
ratiofloatFitted value of the axis ratio (B/A)
RbfloatRadius? pixel
shapefloatFitted diskiness/boxiness
SIDintSource identifier
SLIDintSourceList identifier
xfloatFitted value of x position
yfloatFitted value of y position
ZintSubtract model (0=subtract, 1=dont subtract)

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