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GalFitParameters Overview

Query Form

Attribute nameAttribute typeDocstringUnit
badpixelsstrBad pixel mask (FITS image or ASCII coord list)
constraintsstrFile with parameter constraints (ASCII file)
constraints_listGalFitConstraintList of GalFitConstraints objects pixel
conv_xintSize of the convolution box (x y) pixel
conv_yintSize of the convolution box (x y) pixel
datastrInput data image (FITS file)
displaystrDisplay type (regular, curses, both)
fit_xmaxintRegion within cutout defined by region_* where Galfit will perform fit
fit_xminintRegion within cutout defined by region_* where Galfit will perform fit
fit_ymaxintRegion within cutout defined by region_* where Galfit will perform fit
fit_yminintRegion within cutout defined by region_* where Galfit will perform fit
interactiveintModify/create objects interactively
mask_typestrSwitch to use Sourcelist or Segmentation image for masking neighbours (sourcelist, segmentation)
modelstrOutput data image block
no_fitintCreate output only? (1=yes, 0=optimize)
pixelscale_xfloatPlate scale (dx dy) arcsec / pixel
pixelscale_yfloatPlate scale (dx dy) arcsec / pixel
psfstrInput PSF image and (optional) diffusion kernel
region_xmaxintImage region to cut out and run Galfit on pixel
region_xminintImage region to cut out and run Galfit on pixel
region_ymaxintImage region to cut out and run Galfit on pixel
region_yminintImage region to cut out and run Galfit on pixel
sigmastrSigma image name (made from data if blank or "none")
subsamplingfloatPSF fine sampling factor relative to data
zeropointfloatPhotometric zeropoint mag

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