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GalPhotEllipse Overview

Query Form

Attribute nameAttribute typeDocstringUnit
c1floatThe cos(n*theta) term of the residuals along the ellipse
c2floatThe cos(n*theta) term of the residuals along the ellipse
c3floatThe cos(n*theta) term of the residuals along the ellipse
c4floatThe cos(n*theta) term of the residuals along the ellipse
c5floatThe cos(n*theta) term of the residuals along the ellipse
c6floatThe cos(n*theta) term of the residuals along the ellipse
creation_datedatetimeDate this object was created
dc1floatError in c1
dc2floatError in c2
dc3floatError in c3
dc4floatError in c4
dc5floatError in c5
dc6floatError in c6
depsfloatError in eps
difloatError in i ADU
dposfloatError in pos
drfloatError in r pixel
dsfloatError in s
ds1floatError in s1
ds2floatError in s2
ds3floatError in s3
ds4floatError in s4
ds5floatError in s5
ds6floatError in s6
dxfloatError in x pixel
dyfloatError in y pixel
epsfloatThe ellipticity of the ellipse, 1-b/a
GPIDintGalphot ID
GPLIDintGalphot List identifier
ifloatIntensity at the ellipse counts/pixel**2
is_validintManual/external flag to disqualify bad data (SuperFlag)
posfloatThe position angle of the ellipse, measured with respect to the axis y=0, counter clockwise
process_statusintA flag indicating the processing status
quality_flagsintAutomatic/internal quality flag
rfloatThe root of the product of the major & minor axis of the ellipse pixel
sfloatThe slope of the intensity, the derivative of i wrt r
s1floatThe sin(n*theta) term of the residuals along the ellipse
s2floatThe sin(n*theta) term of the residuals along the ellipse
s3floatThe sin(n*theta) term of the residuals along the ellipse
s4floatThe sin(n*theta) term of the residuals along the ellipse
s5floatThe sin(n*theta) term of the residuals along the ellipse
s6floatThe sin(n*theta) term of the residuals along the ellipse
SIDintSource identifier
SLIDintSourceList identifier
xfloatCentral x position in the region pixel
x_origfloatCentral x position in the original image pixel
yfloatCentral y position in the region pixel
y_origfloatCentral y position in the original image pixel

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