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GalPhotModel Overview

Query Form

Attribute nameAttribute typeDocstringUnit
creation_datedatetimeDate this object was created
D25floatDiameter at which surface brightness is 25mag/arcsec^2 arcsec
D26floatDiameter at which surface brightness is 26mag/arcsec^2 arcsec
D27floatDiameter at which surface brightness is 27mag/arcsec^2 arcsec
dD25floatError in D25 arcsec
dD26floatError in D26 arcsec
dD27floatError in D27 arcsec
dmu10floatError in mu10 mag / arcsec**2
dmu3floatError in mu3 mag / arcsec**2
dmu5floatError in mu5 mag / arcsec**2
ellipsesGalPhotEllipseList of ellipses
epsfloatGlobal ellipticity (median of ellipses)
filenamestrThe name of the associated file
globalnamestrThe name used to store and retrieve file to and from Storage
GPIDintGalphot ID
GPID_inintIdentifier of GalPhotModel to be used as initial estimate (i.e. the "intable")
GPLIDintGalphot List identifier
imstatImstatImage statistics for the frame
is_validintManual/external flag to disqualify bad data (SuperFlag)
maskPixelMapFinal mask used (and written as output) by Galphot
mu10floatAverage central surface brightness within 10 arcsec diameter mag / arcsec**2
mu3floatAverage central surface brightness within 3 arcsec diameter mag / arcsec**2
mu5floatAverage central surface brightness within 5 arcsec diameter mag / arcsec**2
NAXIS1intLength of data in axis 1 pixel
NAXIS2intLength of data in axis 2 pixel
posfloatGlobal position angle (median of ellipses)
process_paramsGalPhotParametersProcessing parameters
process_statusintA flag indicating the processing status
quality_flagsintAutomatic/internal quality flag
sersic_dmufloatError in sersic_mu mag / arcsec**2
sersic_dNfloatError in sersic_N
sersic_drefloatError in sersic_re arcsec
sersic_mufloatSurface brightness at the effective radius of Sersic profile fitted to the ellipses mag / arcsec**2
sersic_NfloatConcentration index N of Sersic profile fitted to the ellipses
sersic_refloatEffective radius of Sersic profile fitted to the ellipses arcsec
SIDintSource identifier
SLIDintSourceList identifier

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