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GalPhotParameters Overview

Query Form

Attribute nameAttribute typeDocstringUnit
cliphighfloatFraction of points to clip at high end
cliplowfloatFraction of points to clip at low end
dangmaxfloatMaximum change in position angle per iteration
debugintDebug verbosity parameter
dellmaxfloatMaximum change in ellipticity per iteration
dposmaxfloatMaximum change in center per iteration
errcenfloatUsed when rcen=0. The maximum radius for which err(1nd har) < errcen is used as the maximum radius for changing the centers
errshapfloatUsed when rshap=0. The maximum radius for which err(2nd har) < errshap is used as the maximum radius for fitting.
extendintExtend radial interval after fit
fracminfloatMinimum fraction of good points along the ellipse
hmaxintMaximum order of the harmonics term residuals
iter1intNumber of iterations without calculating model-residuals
iter2intNumber of iterations including calculating model-residuals
linearintLinear scaling switch
mask_areasGalPhotMaskList of GalPhotCircle and/or GalPhotRectangle objects, which define areas to be masked
mask_scalefloatScale factor to apply to semi-major axis of neighbours while masking
mask_typestrSwitch to use Sourcelist ("sourcelist"), Segmentation image ("segmentation") or neither ("") for masking neighbours
ngalintNumber of galaxies to model, fixed to 1
npolresintOrder in interpolation in intensity
nsammaxintMaximum number of samples along the ellipse
outfillintCalculate residual outside of galaxy
r1floatMaximum radius for single annulus sampling pixel
r2floatMaximum radius for multiple annulus sampling pixel
radfacfloatRadial scaling factor
rcenfloatAll ellipses with r > rcen have their centers fixed pixel
region_scalefloatFactor which determines the size of the region, as a function of the source Sextractor parameter Reff
region_xmaxintMaximum x-coordinate of cutout region in larger frame pixel
region_xminintMinimum x-coordinate of cutout region in larger frame pixel
region_ymaxintMaximum y-coordinate of cutout region in larger frame pixel
region_yminintMinimum y-coordinate of cutout region in larger frame pixel
rmaxfloatMaximum radius for fit. rmax=0 means fit until ellipses drop completely off the image pixel
rminfloatMinimum radius for fit pixel
rshapfloatMaximum radius for modifying ellipticity and PA pixel
xposfloatX-position (in region) of galaxy to model pixel
yposfloatY-position (in region) of galaxy to model pixel

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