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GaussianizedFrame Overview

Query Form

Attribute nameAttribute typeDocstringUnit
astromAstromInformation about the astrometry
catalogGaussianizedFrameCatalogThe catalog of stars used to determine the PSF model
ccdsstrThe CCD names of which input is present in the RegriddedFrames/CoaddedRegriddedFrame
coaddCoaddedRegriddedFrameCoadd of all CCDs of a single exposure that serves as input
creation_datedatetimeDate this object was created
DATE_OBSdatetimeUTC date at the start of the observation
filenamestrThe name of the associated file
filterFilterInformation about the filter
globalnamestrThe name used to store and retrieve file to and from Storage
grid_targetGridTargetThe GridTarget object for the regridding operation
imstatImstatImage statistics for the frame
instrumentInstrumentInformation about the instrument
is_validintManual/external flag to disqualify bad data (SuperFlag)
kermapGaussianizedFrameKernelMapASCII file that contains ??
NAXIS1intLength of data in axis 1 pixel
NAXIS2intLength of data in axis 2 pixel
OBJECTstrObject name
observing_blockObservingBlockInformation about the observing block
process_paramsGaussianizedFrameParametersProcessing parameters
process_statusintA flag indicating the processing status
psf_radii_per_ccdfloatStellar FWHM in subsections of the coadd arcsec
psf_radiusfloatSeeing FWHM arcsec
psfmapGaussianizedFramePSFMapASCII file that contains the PSF model
quality_flagsintAutomatic/internal quality flag
regridded_framesRegriddedBaseFrameInput RegriddedFrames/CoaddedRegriddedFrames
swarpconfSwarpConfigThe Swarp configuration file
templateTemplateInformation about the template
weightWeightFrameThe regridded WeightFrame object
ZEROPNTfloatZeropoint of this image mag
ZPNTERRfloatZeropoint error mag

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