CURVEMAKER_FITRADIUS | int | PSF fitting radius | pixel |
CURVEMAKER_REGION | str | Create lightcurves in region | region |
CURVEMAKER_TIMECORRECTION | int | Apply barycentric time correction | |
CURVEMAKER_USMPHOT_MODE | int | measure reference frame fluxes with USMPHOT | |
DIFFIMA_KERNEL_MODEL | float | convolution kernel model | |
DIFFIMA_KERNEL_SIZE | int | convolution kernel size | pixel |
DIFFIMA_MASK | str | Mask used in diffima | |
DIFFIMA_MASK_RADIUS | int | Minimum and maximum masking radius | pixel |
DIFFIMA_NORM_KERNEL | int | Use fixed normalization factor for kernel | |
DIFFIMA_SAT_RADIUS | int | Cutting radius for saturated pixels | pixel |
DIFFIMA_SKY_ORDER | int | Polynomial order for sky alignment | |
DIFFIMA_SUBFIELDS | int | number of subfields in x and y | |
GETSKY_SMOOTHING_RADIUS | int | Median smoothing radius for background subtraction | |
RECIPE | str | Pipline Recipe | |
SKYCALC_ABS_ORDER | int | Polynomial order for absorption alignment | |
SKYCALC_CENTER | int | Galaxy center used in skycalc mode 2 | |
SKYCALC_FWHM_REJECT | int | Number of photometric reference stars to reject due to high FWHM | |
SKYCALC_KERNEL_SIZE | int | Skycalc convolution kernel size | pixel |
SKYCALC_MAX_THRESH | float | Maximum threshold for autoselect reference stars | |
SKYCALC_MIN_THRESH | float | Minimum threshold for autoselect reference stars | |
SKYCALC_MODE | int | Method of photometric alignment | |
SKYCALC_NCHI_REJECT | int | Number of photometric reference stars to reject due to high chisq | |
SKYCALC_NUMBER | int | Number of reference stars for autoselect | |
SKYCALC_REGION | str | Region used in skycalc mode 2 | region |
SKYCALC_SKY_ORDER | int | Polynomial order for sky alignment | |
SOURCES_NUMBER | float | number of stars to be analyzed | |
SOURCES_THRESH | float | SExtractor detection threshold for stars to be analyzed | |
STORE_DIFFIMAGES | int | Save difference images | |
VERBOSE | int | Verbose level | |