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LightCurveParameters Overview

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Attribute nameAttribute typeDocstringUnit
CURVEMAKER_FITRADIUSintPSF fitting radius pixel
CURVEMAKER_REGIONstrCreate lightcurves in region region
CURVEMAKER_TIMECORRECTIONintApply barycentric time correction
CURVEMAKER_USMPHOT_MODEintmeasure reference frame fluxes with USMPHOT
DIFFIMA_KERNEL_MODELfloatconvolution kernel model
DIFFIMA_KERNEL_SIZEintconvolution kernel size pixel
DIFFIMA_MASKstrMask used in diffima
DIFFIMA_MASK_RADIUSintMinimum and maximum masking radius pixel
DIFFIMA_NORM_KERNELintUse fixed normalization factor for kernel
DIFFIMA_SAT_RADIUSintCutting radius for saturated pixels pixel
DIFFIMA_SKY_ORDERintPolynomial order for sky alignment
DIFFIMA_SUBFIELDSintnumber of subfields in x and y
GETSKY_SMOOTHING_RADIUSintMedian smoothing radius for background subtraction
RECIPEstrPipline Recipe
SKYCALC_ABS_ORDERintPolynomial order for absorption alignment
SKYCALC_CENTERintGalaxy center used in skycalc mode 2
SKYCALC_FWHM_REJECTintNumber of photometric reference stars to reject due to high FWHM
SKYCALC_KERNEL_SIZEintSkycalc convolution kernel size pixel
SKYCALC_MAX_THRESHfloatMaximum threshold for autoselect reference stars
SKYCALC_MIN_THRESHfloatMinimum threshold for autoselect reference stars
SKYCALC_MODEintMethod of photometric alignment
SKYCALC_NCHI_REJECTintNumber of photometric reference stars to reject due to high chisq
SKYCALC_NUMBERintNumber of reference stars for autoselect
SKYCALC_REGIONstrRegion used in skycalc mode 2 region
SKYCALC_SKY_ORDERintPolynomial order for sky alignment
SOURCES_NUMBERfloatnumber of stars to be analyzed
SOURCES_THRESHfloatSExtractor detection threshold for stars to be analyzed
STORE_DIFFIMAGESintSave difference images
VERBOSEintVerbose level

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