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RadioCube Overview

Query Form

Attribute nameAttribute typeDocstringUnit
astromAstromInformation about the astrometry
CDELT3floatThe partial derivative of the coordinate with respect to the pixel index
CDELT4floatThe partial derivative of the coordinate with respect to the pixel index
creation_datedatetimeDate this object was created
CROTA3floatRotation from the standard coordinate system
CROTA4floatRotation from the standard coordinate system
CRPIX3intThe reference point
CRPIX4intThe reference point
CRVAL3floatThe value of the coordinate at the reference point
CRVAL4floatThe value of the coordinate at the reference point
CTYPE3strThe name of the coordinate represented by axis
CTYPE4strThe name of the coordinate represented by axis
CUNIT3strThe unit of third axis
CUNIT4strThe unit of fourth axis
DATE_MAPdatetimeDate of making the map
DATE_OBSdatetimeDate of the observation of the frame
filenamestrThe name of the associated file
globalnamestrThe name used to store and retrieve file to and from Storage
instrumentInstrumentInformation about the instrument
is_validintManual/external flag to disqualify bad data (SuperFlag)
NAXISintNumber of axes
NAXIS1intNumber of pixels on axis 1 (RA)
NAXIS2intNumber of pixels on axis 2 (DEC)
NAXIS3intNumber of pixels on axis 3
NAXIS4intNumber of pixels on axis 4
OBJECTstrObject name
OBSERVERstrThe observer
PCDECfloatDEc Pointing centre
PCRAfloatRA Pointing centre
PSF_BMAJfloatMajor axis of the beam
PSF_BMINfloatMinor axis of the beam
PSF_BPAfloatPosition angle of the beam
RESTFREQfloatline rest frequency Hz

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