astrom | Astrom | Information about the astrometry | |
CDELT3 | float | The partial derivative of the coordinate with respect to the pixel index | |
CDELT4 | float | The partial derivative of the coordinate with respect to the pixel index | |
creation_date | datetime | Date this object was created | |
CROTA3 | float | Rotation from the standard coordinate system | |
CROTA4 | float | Rotation from the standard coordinate system | |
CRPIX3 | int | The reference point | |
CRPIX4 | int | The reference point | |
CRVAL3 | float | The value of the coordinate at the reference point | |
CRVAL4 | float | The value of the coordinate at the reference point | |
CTYPE3 | str | The name of the coordinate represented by axis | |
CTYPE4 | str | The name of the coordinate represented by axis | |
CUNIT3 | str | The unit of third axis | |
CUNIT4 | str | The unit of fourth axis | |
DATE_MAP | datetime | Date of making the map | |
DATE_OBS | datetime | Date of the observation of the frame | |
EPOCH | str | Epoch | |
filename | str | The name of the associated file | |
globalname | str | The name used to store and retrieve file to and from Storage | |
instrument | Instrument | Information about the instrument | |
is_valid | int | Manual/external flag to disqualify bad data (SuperFlag) | |
NAXIS | int | Number of axes | |
NAXIS1 | int | Number of pixels on axis 1 (RA) | |
NAXIS2 | int | Number of pixels on axis 2 (DEC) | |
NAXIS3 | int | Number of pixels on axis 3 | |
NAXIS4 | int | Number of pixels on axis 4 | |
OBJECT | str | Object name | |
OBSERVER | str | The observer | |
PCDEC | float | DEc Pointing centre | |
PCRA | float | RA Pointing centre | |
PSF_BMAJ | float | Major axis of the beam | |
PSF_BMIN | float | Minor axis of the beam | |
PSF_BPA | float | Position angle of the beam | |
RESTFREQ | float | line rest frequency | Hz |