chip | Chip | Information about the chip | |
creation_date | datetime | Date this object was created | |
DATE | datetime | UTC date the original data file was saved | |
DATE_OBS | datetime | UTC date at the start of the observation | |
EXPTIME | float | Total observation time | sec |
extension | int | The extension to extract | |
filename | str | The name of the associated file | |
globalname | str | The name used to store and retrieve file to and from Storage | |
imstat | Imstat | Image statistics for the frame | |
instrument | Instrument | Information about the instrument | |
is_valid | int | Manual/external flag to disqualify bad data (SuperFlag) | |
LST | float | Local sidereal time at the start of the observation expressed as the number of seconds (a float) since UTC midnight | sec |
MJD_OBS | float | Modified Julian date at the start of the observation (JD-2400000.5) | day |
NAXIS1 | int | Length of data in axis 1 | pixel |
NAXIS2 | int | Length of data in axis 2 | pixel |
OBJECT | str | Object name | |
OBSERVER | str | The observer | |
observing_block | ObservingBlock | Information about the observing block | |
overscan_x_stat | Imstat | Statistics of the overscan region in the x-direction | |
overscan_y_stat | Imstat | Statistics of the overscan region in the x-direction | |
OVSCX | int | Number of overscan pixels in the x direction | pixel |
OVSCXPRE | int | Number of overscan pixels to skip in the x direction at the edge of the chip | pixel |
OVSCXPST | int | Number of overscan pixels to skip in the x direction at the edge of the data region | pixel |
OVSCY | int | Number of overscan pixels in the y direction | pixel |
OVSCYPRE | int | Number of overscan pixels to skip in the y direction at the edge of the chip | pixel |
OVSCYPST | int | Number of overscan pixels to skip in the y direction at the edge of the data region | pixel |
prescan_x_stat | Imstat | Statistics of the prescan region in the x-direction | |
prescan_y_stat | Imstat | Statistics of the prescan region in the y-direction | |
process_status | int | A flag indicating the processing status | |
PRSCX | int | Number of prescan pixels in the x-direction | pixel |
PRSCXPRE | int | Number of prescan pixels to skip in the x-direction at the edge of the chip | pixel |
PRSCXPST | int | Number of prescan pixels to skip in the x-direction at the edge of the data region | pixel |
PRSCY | int | Number of prescan pixels in the y-direction | pixel |
PRSCYPRE | int | Number of prescan pixels to skip in the y-direction at the edge of the chip | pixel |
PRSCYPST | int | Number of prescan pixels to skip in the y-direction at the edge of the data region | pixel |
quality_flags | int | Automatic/internal quality flag | |
raw_fits_data | RawFitsData | The multi-extension raw image | |
template | Template | Information about the template | |
UTC | float | Universal Coordinated Time (UTC) at the start of the observation expressed as the number of seconds (a float) since UTC midnight | sec |