AIRMEND | float | Airmass at end of observation | |
AIRMSTRT | float | Airmass at start of observation | |
astrom | Astrom | Information about the astrometry | |
back | BackgroundFrame | A BackgroundFrame object | |
bias | BiasFrame | A BiasFrame object | |
chip | Chip | Information about the chip | |
cold | ColdPixelMap | A ColdPixelMap object | |
creation_date | datetime | Date this object was created | |
DATE | datetime | UTC date the original data file was saved | |
DATE_OBS | datetime | UTC date at the start of the observation | |
EXPTIME | float | Total observation time | sec |
filename | str | The name of the associated file | |
filter | Filter | Information about the filter | |
flat | MasterFlatFrame | A MasterFlatFrame object | |
fringe | FringeFrame | A FringeFrame object | |
globalname | str | The name used to store and retrieve file to and from Storage | |
hot | HotPixelMap | A HotPixelMap object | |
illumination | IlluminationCorrectionFrame | An IlluminationCorrection object | |
imstat | Imstat | Image statistics for the frame | |
instrument | Instrument | Information about the instrument | |
is_valid | int | Manual/external flag to disqualify bad data (SuperFlag) | |
NAXIS1 | int | Length of data in axis 1 | pixel |
NAXIS2 | int | Length of data in axis 2 | pixel |
OBJECT | str | Object name | |
observing_block | ObservingBlock | Information about the observing block | |
process_params | ReducedScienceFrameParameters | Processing parameters | |
process_status | int | A flag indicating the processing status | |
psf_radius | float | Stellar Full Width at Half Maximum (FWHM) | arcsec |
quality_flags | int | Automatic/internal quality flag | |
raw | RawScienceFrame | A RawScienceFrame object | |
scale_factor | float | The de-fringing scale-factor | |
template | Template | Information about the template | |
weight | WeightFrame | The WeightFrame associated with this frame | |